Our mission is to offer a fresh approach to Bible study by making the original languages accessible verse-by-verse without overwhelming readers with too much information. Our goal is not exhaustive commentaries and exegesis, but the joy of understanding and gaining insights. When you bring your verse here, you’ll see how it was translated from the original language, the literal meaning, the main points, Scripture interpreting Scripture, as well as quotes from some faithful Christian teachers, so that you will be encouraged in studying your Bible.
What is Reformed?
Since everyone would say they are biblical, how do we know which way is true? In Jeremiah 6:16, God said, “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” Therefore, we can look into the Christian history for the confessions of faith, doctrines, and creeds, which were established by the saints when they defended their faith against heresies. “‘Reformed’ means ‘biblical’… In essence, God formed the truth, and then the truth became deformed from false teachers and traditions… Reformed is simply bringing it back to where God formed it.”
We adhere to these statements of faith:
Westminster Standards:
– Westminster Confession of Faith, 1646
– Westminster Larger Catechism, 1647
– Westminster Shorter Catechism, 1647
Three Forms of Unity:
– The Heidelberg Catechism, 1563
– The Belgic Confession of Faith, 1561
– The Canons of Dort, 1619
Four Creeds:
– Apostles’ Creed, 2nd Century
– Nicene Creed, 325
– Chalcedonian Creed, 451
– Athanasian Creed, 5th Century
Five Solas:
– Scripture Alone
– Grace Alone
– Faith Alone
– Christ Alone
– God’s Glory Alone
TULIP of Calvinism:
– Total Depravity
– Unconditional Election
– Limited Atonement
– Irresistible Grace
– Perseverance of the Saints